Unfortunately, cardiac arrest is becoming more prevalent recently. However, as beings with a high ability to learn, we humans can take matters into our own hands. Why not give someone a second chance at life if you have the chance?
Sure, you can administer CPR without being fully certified. But if your only knowledge comes from movies, know that real-life CPR differs from what you’ve seen on the screen.
With a CPR Certification in Detroit, you’ll be properly prepared to save lives. Don’t know where to start? Take a look at our informative guide to getting certified and being the voice of reason in your community.
Purpose and Goals of CPR
The purpose of CPR is simple – saving lives. By timely administering CPR, you can help individuals experiencing cardiac arrest or drowning. And when it’s combined with defibrillation and early advanced care, it can boost the chances of long-term survival by up to 30% for people who experience ventricular fibrillation.
Overall, CPR aims to buy time and provide life support until medical services arrive. However, the goals of CPR are as follows:
- Restore Blood Circulation. In the case of cardiac arrest, the patient will suffer from a lack of blood flow throughout the body. This happens due to their heart’s ineffective pumping. When you step in and perform the necessary chest compressions, what you do is mimic this blood pumping.
- Keep Oxygen Flow. The patient experiencing cardiac arrest may stop breathing, that is to say, not enough oxygen flows in and out of the body. Getting certified in Detroit will teach you how to administer the 2 rescue breaths properly and, more importantly, not to panic during such emergencies.
- Maintain Brain Function. If we don’t act quickly, the lack of oxygen to the brain can lead to permanent brain damage. The person will lose consciousness in 4 to 10 seconds, and after 10 to 30 seconds, the brain activity measured by the electroencephalogram (EEG) becomes flat.
It’s important to note that everyone can perform CPR. Even when a bystander performs it without professional training, it can make a significant difference in the patient’s life.
However, more often than not, witnessing a person collapsing in front of you can be an overwhelming experience. That’s why it’s crucial to be professionally trained, as the AHA CPR classes in Detroit not only teach you basic skills but also help you build mental endurance.
Key Components of CPR Certification
According to BMC research, when CPR was administered to patients who experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the survival rate to hospital admission was 22%. Out of those admitted to the hospital, 8.8% survived and were discharged.
This is a real-life example of CPR being highly effective in emergencies. And what better way to acquire these skills than to enroll in certification training? For starters, let’s have a look at the key components of CPR certification.
If there’s anything CPR training can’t go without, it’s the hands-on practice. It’ll equip you with all the basic knowledge regarding CPR and help you gain confidence in performing CPR techniques.
This part of the training involves performing chest compressions, administering rescue breaths, and using automated external defibrillators (AED). Here’s a little preview of the hands-only steps involved to give you an idea:
- Call 911 immediately or have someone else do it
- Make sure the person is lying on a firm surface
- Put the heel of one hand in the middle of their chest, and place your other hand on top. Interlock your fingers and make sure they’re lifted off the chest.
- Place your shoulders directly above your hands, and make sure your arms are straight while locking your elbows.
- Apply firm and rapid pressure at a rate of 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute. After each compression, let the chest get back to its normal position.
- Use an AED if available. If not, continue with chest compressions until the patient becomes responsive or medical assistance arrives to take over.
By following these exact steps, you can potentially save a life and be the hero in emergency situations. There are a lot of myths surrounding the CPR technique, and you shouldn’t let this stop you from taking action when needed. Remember that even if you’re feeling insecure, attempting CPR is better than not performing it at all.
AED Training
Even if AED won’t always be available, it’s a crucial component of CPR, and you should know how to use it. It involves delivering an electric shock to the heart to restore its pumping flow. By understanding how to operate it, there’s an even higher chance for the affected person to survive.
One study shows that survival to hospital discharge was 9% with bystander CPR but no AED, 24% with AED application, and 38% when an AED shock was delivered. This suggests that AED is, in fact, useful and does improve the chances of survival.
Basic First Aid
You probably don’t have a direct hand with first aid, but you’ve definitely heard about it. It’s simple: anyone can do it and make a difference in someone’s life. Cardiac arrest can cause a lot of harm, and first aid can help prevent it.
The first part of basic first aid involves checking the scene’s safety. This doesn’t only mean checking if it’s safe for the affected person but also for yourself and others nearby. A safe place would protect the patient from potential danger, such as water or automobile traffic.
This one should go without saying, but make sure you wash your hands before and after providing first aid. The best possible solution would be to wash your hands with soap. However, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if there’s no sink or soap.
Essentially, first aid comes in handy if the person experiencing a cardiac arrest have fallen on a hard surface and injured themselves. By taking part in the CPR Certification Detroit, you’ll be prepared to treat burns, wounds, and even broken bones.
CPR Guidelines
Besides being physically prepared, the training will keep you up to date with the latest CPR guidelines. The CPR Certification Detroit works closely with the American Heart Association (AHA), meaning you’ll be guided and trained according to their official guidelines.
Considering that the AHA CPR Certification is highly recognized among health professionals, you can rest assured your training won’t be in vain. You’ll need to get a score of 84% or higher on their exam in order to get fully certified.
Levels of CPR Training
To best decide what kind of CPR training and certification you need, let’s get you familiar with the different options available. Once you understand your specific requirements, it’ll be easy to determine which training level is suitable for you.
- Level A. This is the basic level that provides CPR techniques for adults. You’ll learn the essential skills and knowledge needed to respond to emergencies. This level is mostly required at work, so if you want to work according to workplace safety environments, this program is perfect for you.
- Level B. If you want to reduce your knowledge to CPR for children and infants only, you should consider level B. The technique is practically the same but involves a much more careful approach, as the bodies of children and infants are more fragile.
You should know that CPR in hospitalized infants is not that common and occurs in only a small percentage of cases, typically ranging from 0.25% to 3%. However, it’s still recommended for nannies and babysitters to enroll in such courses.
- Level C. This one is a combination of CPR for adults, children, and infants. Besides that, it also includes two-rescuer CPR skills. It’s often recommended for professionals such as firefighters, police officers, or lifeguards.
At this point in time, CPR Certification Detroit provides CPR for adults, children, and infants. You’ll acquire the knowledge and skills needed to respond quickly and effectively in emergencies. And what’s even better, you’ll be fully certified to ensure your readiness.
Key Takeaway
Getting a CPR certification should definitely be added to your to-do list. You should see it as a responsibility but also as an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Anyone who helps a fellow human being should be considered a real-life hero.
Enroll in a training course today, and you’ll learn about hands-on training, AED training, and basic first aid. You’ll also be kept up to date with any changes in the latest CPR guidelines. So, don’t hesitate to make this step, and you’ll discover a whole different world of humanity.